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February:  Amethyst - means sincerity.   The chemical formula is SiO2.

According to Wikipedia, an amethyst is a violet variety of quartz and the name "amethyst" comes from the ancient Greek word for "intoxicated" and they believed that the stone protected the wearer from 
drunkenness.  They wore the stones and made drinking vessels out of them to ward of becoming intoxicated. 

The Greeks believed amethyst gems could prevent intoxication, while medieval European soldiers wore amethyst amulets as protection in battle – the reason for this being that amethysts are believed to heal people and keep them cool-headed.  Beads of amethyst were found in Anglo-Saxon graves in England.

Geographic distribution:

Amethyst is produced in abundance from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil where it occurs in large geodes within volcanic rocks. Many of the hollow agates of southwestern Brazil and Uruguay contain a crop of amethyst crystals in the interior. Artigas, Uruguay and neighboring Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul are large world producers exceeding in quantity Minas Gerais, as well as Mato Grosso, Espirito Santo, Bahia, and Ceará states, all amethyst producers of importance in Brazil.

It is also found and mined in South Korea. The largest opencast amethyst vein in the world is in Maissau, Lower Austria. Much fine amethyst comes from Russia, especially from near Mursinka in the Ekaterinburg district, where it occurs in drusy cavities in granitic rocks. Many localities in south India yield amethyst. One of the largest global amethyst producers is Zambia in southern Africa with an annual production of about 1000 tonnes.

Amethyst occurs at many localities in the United States. Among these may be mentioned: the Mazatzal Mountain region in Gila and Maricopa Counties, Arizona; Amethyst Mountain, Texas; Yellowstone National Park; Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Haywood County, North Carolina; Deer Hill and Stow, Maine and in the Lake Superior region of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario in Canada. Amethyst is relatively common in Ontario, and in various locations throughout Nova Scotia. The largest amethyst mine in North America is located in Thunder Bay, Ontario.[10]

My sister has a February birthday and so amethyst is her birthstone and I always try to buy her a pair of amethyst earrings every year.  I had GORGEOUS stone in a beautiful setting that was stolen out of my luggage along with several other pieces on a Delta flight from Nashville, TN to Jacksonville, FL